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Тема: Britney Spears

  1. #151
    Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка", Знаток GRAMMY 2011
      Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2006, "Мистер форума" Лето 2007, "Самый активный автор. Июнь 2008, Октябрь 2008", Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2008, Лучший модератор раздела "Музыка" 2009, Знаток Grammy '09, Мистер Форума Лето 2009, Знаток GRAMMY 2010, Первый создатель года 2010
    Аватар для Dallas
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    я - 333; мне - 520
    Цитата Сообщение от Arrs
    не она их пишет
    Вообще-то, начиная с "Oops!...' как раз она и пишет слова. А на "In the Zone" чуть ли не половину песен написала в соавторстве с композиторами.
    When you think Tim McGraw
    I hope you think of me

  2. #152
    Легенда miXei.ru, Миллионный автор, "Мистер форума" Осень 2007
      Народный модератор 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Самый активный автор месяца. Июнь 2007, Самый активный автор месяца. Ноябрь 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Общий" 2007, За вклад в развитие форума 2007, "Вице-мистер форума" Весна 2008
    Аватар для Arrs
    Записей в блоге
    я - 124; мне - 186
    Чессна, что ль? Поверить не могу... Гм... репутация Бритни в моих глазах начинает расти... Для меня фактор написания песен немаловажен

  3. #153
      "The Best Avatarmaker Весна 2006", "Animation Avatarmaker Город 2006"
    Аватар для Silver Lilian
    я - 0; мне - 0
    Нормальная тетя-мне нравиться.))Молодец.Есть такое выражение-"Не важно что о тебе говорят,главное ,что говорят о тебе"!
    Everything will be okay
    in the end.

    If it's not okay,
    it's not the end.

  4. #154
    Администратор, Лидер команды проекта Sims.miXei.ru
      "Всеобщий любимец", Лучший лидер клуба 2005, Лучший модератор раздела "Отдых" 2005, Лучший модератор раздела "Культура" 2005 , За вклад в развитие форума 2005, Лучший ведущий игры 2006, Лучший модератор miXei.ru 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Лучший супермодератор 2009
    Аватар для Гера
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    Записей в блоге
    я - 2,754; мне - 5,892
    В сотый раз слушаю песню "And then we kiss", вроде ничем не приметная песня, немного нуднявая. Но мне доставляет огромное удовольствие её слушать. Раньше за собой такой неопределенности не замечал.
    Перечитывая тему, в очередной раз для себя отметил, БС можно или любить или ненавидеть...

  5. #155
    Легенда miXei.ru, Миллионный автор, "Мистер форума" Осень 2007
      Народный модератор 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Самый активный автор месяца. Июнь 2007, Самый активный автор месяца. Ноябрь 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Общий" 2007, За вклад в развитие форума 2007, "Вице-мистер форума" Весна 2008
    Аватар для Arrs
    Записей в блоге
    я - 124; мне - 186
    Мне эта песенка нравицца в миксе JXL. А в оригинале - скучновато...

  6. #156
    Администратор, Лидер команды проекта Sims.miXei.ru
      "Всеобщий любимец", Лучший лидер клуба 2005, Лучший модератор раздела "Отдых" 2005, Лучший модератор раздела "Культура" 2005 , За вклад в развитие форума 2005, Лучший ведущий игры 2006, Лучший модератор miXei.ru 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Лучший супермодератор 2009
    Аватар для Гера
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    Записей в блоге
    я - 2,754; мне - 5,892
    Arrs, У меня она как раз в Junkie XL. И если честно, даже и не могу с уверенностью сказать, слушал ли я её хоть раз в оригинале.

  7. #157
    За вклад в развитие форума 2010, Знаток Oscar 2011
      Реальный Декабрист, Самый полезный участник раздела "Кино и Телевидение" 2006, "Выбор админа: "Кино и Телевидение" лучший раздел 2008 года", "Выбор админа: "Кино и Телевидение" лучший раздел 2009 года", "Юная вице-мисс форума" Весна 2008, Вице-Киноман 2009, "Мисc форума" Зима 2010, Знаток Oscar 2010, За вклад в развитие форума 2010, Подпольный активист mixei.ru 2010, Третий создатель года 2010, Лучший модератор раздела "Кино и Телевидение" 2010, Знаток Oscar 2011
    Аватар для AN_Gel
    Philadelphia, PA
    Записей в блоге
    я - 116; мне - 463
    Всегда ненавидела Бритни,ни чем не примечательная певичка,но вот после песни"And then we kiss" у меня стало к ней двойственное отношение...я всё ещё борюсь с антипатией,от которой не так легко отвязаться, и начинаю уважать эту девушку..повзрослела Бритнюха,наконец,да не на показ,а сама-внутренне...наверное...

  8. #158
    Самый полезный участник раздела "Стиль, Мода, Красота"
      За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Народный старший модератор 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Жизнь" 2008
    Аватар для Tamija
    я - 316; мне - 535
    4 мая состоится официальная пресс конференция, на которой Спирс, как предполагается, официально объявит о своей беременности. Или не объявит?!
    Вот тогда и узнаем, а заодно может скажет что-то конкретное о продолжении своей музыкальной карьеры...

    Britney Spears will hold a press conference on May 4th at the LA Convention Centre for record executives and exclusive selected media. Sources say Britney will annouce her pregnancy officially and relationship status with current husband Kevin Federline, 28; the couple haven't been seen together for weeks.

  9. #159
    Самый полезный участник раздела "Стиль, Мода, Красота"
      За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Народный старший модератор 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Жизнь" 2008
    Аватар для Tamija
    я - 316; мне - 535
    Новая фотосессия, вроде давно ничего подобного у неё не было:

    Последний раз редактировалось Дюкаша; 13.05.2022 в 20:04.

  10. #160
    Легенда miXei.ru, Миллионный автор, "Мистер форума" Осень 2007
      Народный модератор 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Самый активный автор месяца. Июнь 2007, Самый активный автор месяца. Ноябрь 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Общий" 2007, За вклад в развитие форума 2007, "Вице-мистер форума" Весна 2008
    Аватар для Arrs
    Записей в блоге
    я - 124; мне - 186
    В гостяяяххх у скааааааааазкииии...
    Мда, Бритни решила вспомнить детство золотое с Джастином Тимберлейком и Микки Маусом

    Ну а если так, то фотосессия как-то не очень понравилась. Нету изюминки, что ли, для меня. Но это в принципе вообще ко всей Бритни относится. А так как всегда, мило

  11. #161
      "Мисс Sims3. Осень 2009"
    Аватар для Soundi
    я - 139; мне - 32
    Я наверно старею Мне нравится Бритни спирс, как человек и как певица, не только ее последние песни, но и совсем первые... когда-то(год или два назад) я весьма критично к ней относилась и это мягко сказано, на сегоднешней день даже плакат повесила что будет дальше не знаю

  12. #162
    Самый полезный участник раздела "Стиль, Мода, Красота"
      За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Народный старший модератор 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Жизнь" 2008
    Аватар для Tamija
    я - 316; мне - 535
    Не помню, говорилось тут об этом или нет, но недавно на официальном сайте певицы появилось вот такое заявление: "I no longer study Kabbalah, my baby is my religion."
    Т.е больше никакой красной нити на запястье =)))
    Брит с сыном пару дней назад:
    Последний раз редактировалось Дюкаша; 13.05.2022 в 20:28.

  13. #163
    Самый полезный участник раздела "Стиль, Мода, Красота"
      За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Народный старший модератор 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Жизнь" 2008
    Аватар для Tamija
    я - 316; мне - 535
    Брит в новом номере журнала OK!. Есть огромное интервью, и новые фото.

    As you know, Mommy-to-be Britney Spears recently sat down with OK! magazine to chat about life, pregnancy and that statue of her giving birth. Here's the interivew:

    You look so beautiful, happy, and relaxed right now. How are you feeling at the moment? Sleepy! I just had a little nap.
    How are you feeling with this second pregnancy? This is a lot better than the first one.
    How so? I think because I've done and I know what to expect.
    Do you have morning sickness? No. I did with the first one, but not this one.
    It sounds like the second time around is a bit easier? It's so much better! And I'm not as scared.

    Читать дальше...
    What are you doing to keep fit? I laugh a lot, sleep a lot, take at least three 30-minute walks each day and chase my son around. I get prenatal massages, and my arms are getting toned by picking up Sean Preston all the time. I will say for mothers out there who are pregnant, its important not to let themselves go. Sleep when you can. Get up and walk and have good people around and good friends. Stuff like that.

    Where were you when you found out that you were pregnant for the second time? Oh, my gosh, where was I when I found out? I was at my house in Malibu. I don't remember the day exactly. I remember being excited, though.

    You don't even look like that youre that far along. Are you feeling slimmer this time? Yeah, I really stayed in my house a lot the last pregnancy because there were so many paparazzi outside. I didn't do anything. For this one, I don't know what happened but they've really started to leave me alone. I can get out and do stuff now.

    It's very busy being a young mom, isn't it? Yes! When he goes to sleep, like he is now, I treasure those moments!

    Are you eating any special healthy foods for your pregnancy or having any cravings? I crave ice! I can't stop eating ice. I think I have elephant teeth or something! I love it, I love it, I love it!

    Did you have that craving last time too or is it new? No, I did it for the last pregnancy too, but its really for this pregnancy. My temperature goes really hot and really cold so it keeps me cooled down.

    Do you know the sex of the baby yet? We don't know. I don't care, as long as it's healthy. That's all that matters.

    Were you surprised how quickly you became pregnant after Sean Preston? Yes, very surprised, but I was excited! I was a little scared at first because I was shocked because it was so soon. I was like, It's okay - I love boo boos!

    Have you thought about how many kids you would like to have? I could have three. If I did have three, I would wait a lot to have the next one.

    How did Kevin react when he found out you were pregnant again? He was a little shocked (laughs).

    What did he say to you? He was like, 'Whatever you want to do, baby!' He's like, 'I'm excited for you! Lets just go for it.'

    So he was supportive? Definitely.

    What about your mom and dad? They were a little shocked, too. But they also love boo boos, so they're excited.

    Have you thought of any names? I've got a couple.

    Can you reveal what they are? I don't know yet. There are just so many cute names out there. I'm still looking.

    Motherhood is such a beautiful thing - how has it changed you? I think your perspective on things is kind of different. You look at things from a broader spectrum, which I think is really healthy.

    What have you learned about yourself since having a baby? That nothing is what it seems.

    Is there a place where you thought youd be at this point in your life? I learn something new every single day.

    We dont see you that much on the red carpet now that you're a mom. Your priorities must have changed enormously. The main thing is I still have fun, but I have such a big responsibility now. I think just that in itself changes you. Having a child is such a big, life-changing experience. It's going to affect you in a huge way, even the people I hang out with. Basically when you boil down it down, you don't have time for any B.S.! [laughs] You know what you like and what you want and what's good for your child. Every decision you make is based on what's best for them.

    How do you balance your family life with work? I'm still trying to figure that out-taking it day by day.

    What do you think the advantages are of being a younger mom? My mom was a young mom, and I've looked up to her. I just feel that it's so important to instill so many good beliefs in your children. I think I'm younger doing that - I'll have more energy in being able to bring up more positive kids than if Im 40! But there are parents that are 40 that do a damn good job. I always wanted to be a young mom.

    Are you someone who needs me time and to be alone at times? Yes, I think it's healthy for everyone to have a little bit of alone time, whether it's taking a bath, reading a book or going for a walk by yourself.

    For some people, being a mother in their 20s is hard. You've done all the parties when you were a teenager, but a lot of people in their 20s still want to party. Because I have done that for so long, some people think where my head is still at - to go out. I love to have a good time but you have to be bold with who you are and stand up for what you believe in. There are a lot people - even cousins and siblings - that think you're in a different place. I've always been a people pleaser and having a son has made me really put my foot down. You may hurt some people along the way, but I just think it's basically standing up for what you believe in.

    Are you saying that you've cut some people out of your life? I've had to cut so many people out of my life. It's kind of weird. Even the whole public persona of me, with the media, it's like, you really just have to leave me alone right now. I think they are getting the picture. It's a blessing and I'm very thankful for it. But that transition in my life was kind of hard. I think it's a big part of growing up. As you get older, being an entertainer and wanting to please people - it's harder to do.

    What have you learned from the last year? To enjoy every moment.

    Most moms, especially with their first-born, have so many things they go through. You're having to do it in front of everyone. It must be hard. Yeah, I will have to say the pregnancy with Preston wasnt a thing of ice cream! Wherever I was going, like just going to the park - things like that are sacred things.

    What is the hardest thing about being a mom in the media spotlight? To sum it all up in a nutshell: Being a mom is one of the most sacred things there is. I didn't want to respond to a lot of things [the magazines] were saying because it was trash. I had a trip to New York that was kind of scary. It was like I had a movie or album coming out. It was kind of ridiculous how many paparazzi were there when I actually went there to get away from them - usually New York is kind of cool as far as that stuff. I was scared. I only had one security guy there with me. Because of incidents like that, I feel like I should up a little bit. If I don't feel safe with my baby, I don't want to be like Michael Jackson and have a military with me wherever I go. I want my child to be as normal as possible. That's probably the hardest thing: feeling judged and not being able to live and do things the normal way. For some reason, they have lightened up a lot since I have been speaking up about it, so maybe I should speak up more!

    Some of the stories that have been written about you have been so mean. They are kind of beneath people. You would think that the editors of the magazine have children and would go there. It's really distasteful. You don't want to respond to trash, but it's America. You look at it and I think it's absurd, but the public of America doesn't know what really goes on and you feel weird because you have to defend yourself to these ignorant people.

    Would you ever move back to Louisiana, where you grew up, with your family? I have no idea. I am very happy with where I am right now because it's safe and nice.

    Do you want to go back to work after your second child? Yes, I have a lot of plans for next year and the years to come.

    Do you feel older than your years? Definitely, I am always young at heart, but doing this so long, you are going to have to be wiser.

    Have you played Sean your songs? Which does he like best? Yes, 'My Prerogative.'

    What would people be surprised to know about you? I have obsessive-compulsive cleaning disorder!

    What do you think is the biggest misconception about you? Everyone thinks they know you - that is the biggest thing. I'm not a big partier; I would much rather go out to dinner with my girlfriends, spend a night at home with my family or have my friends over for a barbecue.

    What is the funniest story you ever read about yourself? There are too many to choose from, but the statue of me giving birth was pretty interesting.

    When, you look back, what are you most proud of? My family.

    What are your hopes and dreams for you life from here on out? I want the best life for my children and the utmost peace and happiness for me and my family.


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    Последний раз редактировалось Дюкаша; 13.05.2022 в 20:03.

  14. #164
    Администратор, Лидер команды проекта Sims.miXei.ru
      "Всеобщий любимец", Лучший лидер клуба 2005, Лучший модератор раздела "Отдых" 2005, Лучший модератор раздела "Культура" 2005 , За вклад в развитие форума 2005, Лучший ведущий игры 2006, Лучший модератор miXei.ru 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Лучший супермодератор 2009
    Аватар для Гера
    Там ->
    Записей в блоге
    я - 2,754; мне - 5,892
    Смотрел по МУЗ-тв телепередачу посвященную жизни Бритни. Там говорилось, что после того, как Бритни обрела любовь, она записала лучший свой альбом "My prerogativе". Я конечно согласен, что те три песенки, что в этом альбоме, они неплохие, но ни как в сумме не претендуют на звание лучше альбома, имхо. Даже как-то заинтересовало, по каким критериям этот альбом оказался лучшим.

  15. #165
    Легенда miXei.ru, Миллионный автор, "Мистер форума" Осень 2007
      Народный модератор 2006, За вклад в развитие форума 2006, Самый активный автор месяца. Июнь 2007, Самый активный автор месяца. Ноябрь 2007, Лучший модератор раздела "Общий" 2007, За вклад в развитие форума 2007, "Вице-мистер форума" Весна 2008
    Аватар для Arrs
    Записей в блоге
    я - 124; мне - 186
    Единственное, что могу сказать - меньше смотри муз-тв У них Уматурман и Звери - Рок Ну что с них взять?
    Имхо, у Бритни лучший альбом In the Zone. А My Prerogative - это как бы там приписка есть Greatest Hits. Может, поэтому муз-тв сказало, что альбом лучший, раз там лучшие хиты? Или там новые песни (просто альбома у меня этого нет)?

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